Certain data privacy laws may require the website you operate to allow visitors the right to choose whether they want to be tracked or not while visiting your website.
If you have a website that has third party integrations (Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel) you will need to turn ON the cookie banner when you republish your website. Data will only be tracked if visitors click “Accept” in the cookie banner. This also applies to the data we track to optimize the user experience on the website, such as the “add to cart” workflow.
We have made this change to help you comply with data privacy requirements that may apply to your website. We’re committed to providing data transparency for our customers, and helping them stay compliant with current rules.
What’s new:
All of our tracking and third-party tracking integrations now require visitors to opt-in by clicking the “Accept” button on the cookie banner.
The cookie banner will be turned ON by default for new websites. You will need to turn ON the cookie banner for previously published websites and republish the site if you want to enable any third-party tracking integration. If the cookie banner is not turned ON, then any third-party tracking integrations will not collect data.
The new cookie banner includes a “Decline” button. Clicking “Decline” will opt out of tracking and close the cookie banner.
To learn more, and make sure your website’s functionality is set, check out this HELP ARTICLE.