We invite you to leave an online review. You may do so at one of the following sites. You will need to login to your account with that website or create an account if you do not already have one. With your permission, I would like to use your comments as a testimonial. Comments should include your name and the details of your success. We value our close working relationship with all of our clients, and take pride in maintaining strict confidentiality at all times. All testimonials are reviewed prior to posting. Spam, sales pitches and irrelevant comments will be deleted. Thank you for your continued trust and confidence in En Masse LLC. May you have continued success.

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  1. My name is Denise Tuite and I have been in business for almost forty years always with a brick and mortar showroom. I had spent over twenty of those years in New York City at the prestigious Decoration & Design Building on Third Avenue. In two thousand and eight the American economy took a nose dive and so did the design industry. My clientele were Architects , Decorators and Designers. Professionals’ who sold to the wealthy. I learned after four years of struggling wealthy people are rich because they are smart. The only thing they were buying is real estate. Manhattan apartments and Westchester estates that were at bargain prices and they held them for years until the market went up. Then made a killing good for them! Unfortunately, they had all but stopped buying luxury items, which in turn left many of us out in the cold. High end furnishings was not on the menu. I had to close the business in October of 2012. It was devastating for me after successfully having been around for so long. I actually got a sales job because I didn’t know what to do with myself that is until I met Marina. I knew my web site needed to be professionally updated but who do I go to? Energy goes where intension flows! Through a stroke of luck I met for dinner one night with this truly amazing technician. I honestly was clueless about marketing and the internet. One thing I did understand was that she was an engineer who decided to study how the internet works mechanically. The behind the scenes information you need besides the graphics. I wish I had been more astute when I did have my business perhaps I might have survived the depression. My business has grown not only in the tri-state area but nationwide. From what I understand you must legitimize yourself on the net before you go international, so that’s the next step. For me she was a blessing because she is professional, honest, knows her business and understands your goals. With her help I have been able to semi-retire and work from home doing what I love! Oh by the way I left out one important ingredient integrity, the utmost!

    Good Luck & All The Best,


  2. Marina works very hard to accomplish what I ask of her for my websites. I have three that she made for me from scratch and that she updates monthly. She is very personable and informative. I highly recommend her work, no matter what industry you are in.

  3. To the great staff at EnMasse:
    Thank you so much for the great web site & more importantly the great Web presence you have given us!
    I get calls almost daily now as a direct result of your guidance and expertise. I know we would never have done it without you.
    Sincerely we thank you for helping to make our business more profitable.

  4. It has been my pleasure to work with Marina for the past several months. Marina developed my website from scratch and has been a definite asset helping us move forward. We are a startup company in a niche market which can be quite daunting with inevitable obstacles and changes. Marina’s intelligence and professionalism was evident as we worked through these challenges. She has taught me a lot about marketing and has shown incredible patience as I come up the learning curve. She is willing to go the extra mile for her customers. We now consider Marina as part of our team and look forward to working with her as we grow. Thanks Marina!

  5. En Masse Marketing’s Marina Roncea: FABULOUS, COMPETENT, PROFESSIONAL AND ACTIVE FOLLOW THROUGH. I can’t say enough for her commitment to my website. I consider myself lucky to have her by my side as my business changes and grows. She always keeps me updated.


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